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VolunteerMatters Release - March 2018 : Reporting Update+


We are happy to announce a new update to VolunteerMatters!

VolunteerMatters is excited to announce a new release of VolunteerMatters. This release represents a significant investment in improving reporting and filtering options and its related volunteer user experience. The release offers a number of new features and reports that will be detailed below.


New Reports/Exports

  • New Project Report - Volunteering History
    One of our favorite features of this release is this new report which includes all of a volunteers history including their assignment details and submitted hours on positions.  This report also allows the ability to add additional contact information to be view-able onscreen as well as via export. There is more information on this below.

  • New Project Report - Shift Absentees
    With this release you can now view and export a report of those volunteers who did not attend their shifts to allow an administrator or organizer to quickly provide attendance statistics.  In the new Volunteer History report there is a “Fulfilled” column. For shifts that require “Check In” or “Check In and Out” a shift is not considered “Fulfilled” until the volunteer checks in.  At that juncture the “Fulfilled” value goes from 0 to 1. An administrator or organizer can then utilize the “Search/Filter” box and enter:


    This will search/filter for a value in that column and produce those shifts that have not been fulfilled.
  • Report that provides list of Admins/Organizers for admins.
    This is new onscreen report and export that allows an existing administrator to review their contacts and see who has been given administrator and/or organizer rights.  It is available from the contact dashboard via the “Site User Role Counts” portlet. If you click through the numbers it will take the administrator to the “Administrators and Organizers” page where you can filter the roles you want to include, click through to a specific contact, and/or export the list as needed.

  • Project Organizer Report
    This new onscreen report and export, accessible via the Projects area report drop-down as “Project Organizers”, provides administrators with a comprehensive list of those contacts with Organizer roles assigned to projects.  It includes the Project, Site, Organizer name, Notification settings, and Email address. This report also allows the ability to add additional contact information to be view-able onscreen as well as via export. There is more information on this below.

  • New Assignment Roster Report
    The project roster report was an onscreen report that exported to a PDF which allowed an administrator or organizer to get a quick snapshot of that project’s current and upcoming assignments. That report has been retired and replaced with this amazing new report that builds on that previous report and includes Project, Site, Start, End, Type, Need, Assignee, Missing Credentials, Current Credentials, basic contact information, Age, and Status.  This report also allows the ability to add additional contact information to be view-able onscreen as well as via export. There is more information on this below.

  • Cross Project Assignment Roster Report
    This is another fantastic new report that we are very excited to release.  This onscreen report and export now allows the administrator or organizer to view all upcoming assignments across all projects or those they have been assigned to.


Existing Report/Export Updates:

  • Add additional Contact Info to Specific Reports/Exports
    The system now allows the ability to add additional contact information to the Volunteer Credentials report, Volunteer History report and the Assignment Roster report.  By default each system will come with Mobile Telephone, Organization, Age, and Status. If your organization is interested in adding additional contact fields to those reports please contact support.  Adding additional contact information fields is included in certain coaching setup packages and can be implemented via hourly professional services.  If your organization is interested in adding additional contact fields to these reports please contact support.

  • Special Field Age on Reports/Exports
    To make life easier on your staff we have added a special “Age” field on specific reports/exports so staff can quickly view the age on an assignment via the Assignment Report.
  • Project Volunteering Report - Allow filter by need name
    On the new Volunteer History report, you can now filter by Need Name

  • Assignments Export to include sign-up timestamp
    When viewing the assignments on a specific need there is not a "Created On" date/time stamp to show when the assignment was created.

Non-Report Specific Updates

  • Project, Credential, Assignment Reports - Include Contact/Demographic Information Project Reports - Allow filter by Contact Information
    With additional contact data available to add to specific reports/exports (Roster, Credentials, History) it allows the administrator or organizer to use the search/filter functionality onscreen to filter data according to the desired contact field. The contact field must be added as an additional field on the report to be filtered by.
  • Separate Name Fields on Various System Reports/Exports
    With this release Name fields will now be broken down into their individual elements when exported.  For example First Name will be its own field, Last Name, Suffix, etc..

  • Separate Address Fields on Various System Reports/Exports
    With this release Address fields will now be broken down into their individual elements when exported.  For example Address will be its own field, City, State, etc..

  • Project Tags - Project Attribute, Filter, and List Export
    • Allow addition of tags to project that you can filter for reporting
    • Admins and organizers can add words and phrases to a project.  
    • Admins can filter on tags (keyword style) on all reports


Other Non-Reporting Changes

  • Project List View Export Includes Project Settings
    With this release we are including more project information on the projects page which will allow an administrator or organizer to filter/search by that additional information as well as export.  The fields will include Address, Community Partners, Tags, Kiosk settings, etc..

  • Announcements - Hyperlink URLs
    With the release announcements will now automatically hyperlink any URLs entered in the description.  This will really assist in directing volunteers to either specific projects within the project catalog or to download a file.

  • Project Organizer Notification Setting Display - For Admins (on setup page)
    This functionality inserts an organizer’s notification settings in the Project Organizer portlet on the project setup page.  This allows an administrator to quickly see if their organizer has set whether they want to receive daily/weekly project notifications.   This can assist them if an organizer is not receiving notifications as an initial troubleshooting step.

  • Extra buttons on project listing (Dashboard|Setup|Assign)
    This release will allow administrators and organizers to quickly jump to either a project’s dashboard, setup, or assignments.

  • Ability to merge Contact fields into email templates
    A last minute addition to the release that now allows support to enter contact information into the automated email templates.  Customizing your email templates is included in certain coaching setup packages and can be implemented via hourly professional services.  If your organization is interested in customizing your email templates please contact support.


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