VolunteerMatters Support

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Project Tagging


When you are creating or editing a volunteer project, you may identify any number of tags to classify your projects.  Tagging helps with several aspects of the VolunteerMatters systems and tools:

  1. Administrators can create any number of tags as well as define how they should be grouped/presented to all system users
  2. Administrators can easily add and update tags associated with a specific project
  3. Administrators can filter reports to include projects with the same tags
  4. Volunteers can find volunteer opportunities in the project catalog based on tags

When creating a new tag, you may define:

  • Unique Tag ID: A unique value with only alphanumeric characters (and underscores), no special characters or spaces
  • Group Name: The system automatically groups tags that have common group names when displaying for volunteers and administrators.  For example, when searching for a project in the project catalog, the system displays a box to search for values within each group.
  • Tag Name: This is the value that will be displayed to volunteers and administrators
  • Active: Check the box to make this tag available to all users.  If un-checked, those projects that have already been associated with this tag will maintain its association.  However, this tag will not be available for administrators or volunteers to search or filter by this value.
  • Admin-Only:  Check the box to make this tag only available to administrators and organizers.  If checked, the value will be available to administrative users when editing or creating projects.  However, it will not be available or viewable to volunteers when they are searching or reviewing volunteer projects in the system.  In fact, if all tags in a specific group are marked as admin-only, the entire group will be unavailable as a filter option on the project catalog.

Contacts with the "Configuration" administrative role can manage tags by clicking on  Configuration > Projects, and then clicking the "Manage Tags" button.  Once there you view and manage existing tags, as well as add new tags.


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