Project Needs
There are four types of needs you can add to a project. Needs can be shifts, tasks, items, or positions. In this solution we will discuss shifts.
A shift has a date, start time, end time, shift role, and the min/max assignees.
An administrator or organizer may manually add, edit, or delete/withdraw a project shift assignment on behalf of a contact. They can do so in bulk or via individual shifts. For more information on managing assignments via individual shifts click here.
**Bulk Assignment Management is only available with the Professional and Enterprise subscription levels. If you have questions on your subscription level please live chat with us now from your VolunteerMatters portal or submit a support ticket via email.**
Remove Shift Assignments in Bulk
- Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.
- On the Project you wish to remove assignments from, click the "Needs" button (
- You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button (
) which will open the "Project Dashboard" page. The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it. Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (
) and select "Project Needs". Both will take you to the same place.
- This will open the "Project Needs" page. You will see the various Project Needs: Shifts, Tasks, Items, and Positions. On the top will be the "Project Shifts" panel. It will display the current shifts as well as a buttons to manage those shifts (
), schedule new shifts (
), manage shift roles (
), a bulk edit button (
), and a bulk assign button (
- To remove shift assignments in bulk, click on the "Bulk Assign" drop-down button (
) and select "Remove Assignments".
- This will open the "Remove Shift Assignments" configuration page. Here you can filter the assignments by date and then check the assignments you wish to remove and then click the "Remove Assignments" button (
**It’s important to note that if you "check all/clear all" while selecting, it will only act on the records viewable in the list, not on all of the records that may have resulted from a search. For example, if your "Show X Entries" were set to 10, it would act on the 10 records displayed. If "Show X Entries" were set to 50, it would act on the 50 records displayed. The "Show X Entries" setting is at the top of the list. - The system will confirm whether you wish to delete the shift(s) in question with the "Remove Assignments" modal window. You are required to type "REMOVE" (without quotes and capitalized) and then click "Yes, REMOVE" to remove the assignment(s) selected.
- After completion you will be returned to the "Remove Shift Assignments" page with a confirmation message that the Assignment(s) were removed.