VolunteerMatters Support

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Customize the Contact Views


With any VolunteerMatters subscription, an administrator with the "Configuration" administrative role can customize the Contact Views on the pages available for your subscription level. 

These pages allows you to group and organize contact fields (custom or built-in) anywhere you would like on the various pages on the system using sections.   These sections will stack on top of each other for all pages except the Volunteer Registration page.  Within this page, sections will act as their own "page" during the application process.

All fields and sections are presented in a single column.  Within that column you can define any number of field sections. Within each field section you may have any number of fields. You can also determine whether or not a field is required or optional, the field's help text on that page, as well as whether the field is "Read-Only" on that page. 

NOTE: For the Birth Date field on the "My Profile" page we highly recommend you leave the field as Required/Read Only so volunteers cannot circumvent your onboarding and volunteering rules. 


The available pages are:

Volunteer Registration
This is where you can configure which fields are included in the volunteer registration form, which of the field are required, as well as ordering and grouping.

My Profile View
This is where you configure the volunteer's view of their own record including the layout, included fields, and what they may edit.

New Contact Form
This is where you can configure which fields are included when an administrator adds a new volunteer record, which of the field are required, as well as ordering and grouping.

Contact Detail View
This is where you configure the administrative view of a contact record including which fields are viewable, editable, required, as well as their ordering and grouping.

Contact Bulk Edit Tool
This is where you configure the capability of the contact bulk edit tool from the Contact Database page. Including which fields are editable as well as field help text.  Click here for more information on this tool (SOLUTION COMING SOON). AVAILABLE IN PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ABOVE.

Organizer View
This is where you configure the view of a contact record available to a volunteer coordinator including which fields are viewable, editable, required, as well as their ordering and grouping.  AVAILABLE IN PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ABOVE.

Kiosk Registration
This is where you configure the volunteer registration form when registering on site via a kiosk. This is typically an abbreviated registration. AVAILABLE IN PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ABOVE.  Note: Choose multiple from a list type fields are not supported in Kiosk Registration.


In this solution we will be showing the Volunteer Registration page, but the process is the exact same on any page listed above. 


Managing Sections on a Contact View


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Configuration > Database.


  2. On the Contact Database Configuration page, click the "Edit Volunteer Registration" button (Button_Edit_Volunteer_Registration.png).


  3. This will open the "Self Registration" Detail View Configuration page. There are 4 main parts of the page, the Name of the Page, Section Fields, Section Order, and the Field Help Text area. 


  4.  To add a new Section you simply need to scroll down to the last section in the "Used Fields" area and in the Box with the "Enter New Section Title", simply type in the name of your desired section and then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).


    You will just need to repeat this action to add additional sections.

  5. To Edit a section's name you simply need to place your cursor in the box where the title is, make your changes and then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).

  6. To remove a section, you just go to the "Section Order" area and then click on the section you wish to delete and drag it over to the "Remove View Sections" box and then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).

    Note: This will move all fields currently in the section to the "Unused Fields" area. 

  7. To change the order of your sections, you simply need to go to the "Section Order" area and then click on the section you wish to move and drag it up or down to put the sections in the desired order.  Then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).



Customizing the Contact View


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Configuration > Database.


  2. On the Contact Database Configuration page, click the "Edit Volunteer Registration" button (Button_Edit_Volunteer_Registration.png).


  3. This will open the "Self Registration" Detail View Configuration page. There are 4 main parts of the page, the Name of the Page, Section Fields, Section Order, and the Field Help Text area. You will see the various Contact Fields available in your system in one of two areas.  The Used Fields area and the Unused Fields area.  


  4. To add a field to section, locate the contact field you add in the "Unused Fields" section and then click on the field and drag it over to the desired section. After you have placed the field in the section and section order desired, scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).


    NOTE: If you have a large number of groups, or the Unused Fields box is not visible when you need to move a field, you can click on the heading of the Unused Fields box and drag it down to accommodate your needs. 

  5. To remove a field, you just go to the "Used Fields" area and then click on the field you wish to remove  and drag it over to the "Unused Fields" box and then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).
  6. To change the order of your fields in a section, you simply need to go to desired section in the "Used Fields" area and then click on the field you wish to move and drag it up or down to put the fields in the desired order.  Then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).

  7. To move a field to a different section of your sections, you simply need to go to the section in the "Used Fields" area where the field currently is, and then click on the field you wish to move and drag it up or down to the desired new section and place it in the desired field order  Then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).

  8. To make a field Required on the page you customizing, so that when someone is either filling out the application, or editing a page they will be required to include that field if they want to save or proceed, you just need to locate the field in the "Used Fields" area and check the box for "Required".  Then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).   


  9. To make a field Read Only on the page you customizing, so that when someone is either filling out the application, or editing a page, the field will only be able to be reviewed,  locate the field in the "Used Fields" area and check the box for "Read Only".  Then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).   

    NOTE: Read Only fields should never be on the registration form or be marked Required and Read Only (except for Birthdate on My Profile), as this can lead to situations where either a volunteer/administrator can not properly edit a contact record or the volunteer can not proceed on the application. 



Managing Field Help Text


Field Help Text options will only appear after a field has been added to the "Used Fields" area when customizing a page, and the page has been "Saved". 

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Configuration > Database.


  2. On the Contact Database Configuration page, click the "Edit Volunteer Registration" button (Button_Edit_Volunteer_Registration.png).


  3. This will open the "Self Registration" Detail View Configuration page. There are 4 main parts of the page, the Name of the Page, Section Fields, Section Order, and the Field Help Text area. Any fields currently in the "Used Fields" area will have their help text box available at the bottom of the screen. 


  4. Locate the contact field you wish to modify the Field Help Text for, then simply enter the text desired in the box to the right of the field label.  After you are satisfied with your help text, scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).   

  5. If you wish to remove help text, simply highlight the text in the box and delete.  Then scroll down and click the "Save" button (Button_Save.png).   
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