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Managing Contacts List Views


Contacts List Views are defined while viewing the list of contact records to which it applies.

Once the List View is defined, it is available in the List View drop down either as a view that is available to all or as a private view which is unique to the user creating the view.


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper administrator access role.

  2. Navigate to the Contacts page.

  3. Click on the "v" button ( ) next the drop-down list to expand the options and then click "New View". 

  4. This will open the "List View Configuration" screen.  Here you can enter a Name, Group Name, Description and Visibility (whether you want it for all administrators or just you).

  5. The filter will default to the filter of the first List View in your list view drop-down.  To change, click 'Edit' on the List Filter.

    To remove default criteria click the X next to it.

    To add a new criteria, select from the "Field" drop-down what criteria you would like to filter by, select the "Match Type", and then enter/select the criteria values and click "Add".

    Repeat for any additional filter criterias, then when ready, click "Save". This will return you to the main "List View Configuration" screen with your new filter displayed.

    Please see the article "Working with filters." for more information.

  6. To add columns displayed in the List View you can simply drag and drop those fields from "Available View Fields" group to the "Chosen View Fields" group and vice versa to remove columns/fields. You can drag and drop within the "Chosen View  Fields" group to change the order of the columns in the list view.

  7. Choose the sort order (which is usually "Name") by dragging additional fields  from the "Available Sort Fields" group to the "Chosen Sort Fields" group and vice versa to remove columns/fields.  The field listed first will be the first field sorted by and then down the line if multiple sort fields are selected.  You can drag and drop within the "Chosen Sort Fields" group to change which sort is applied first.

    The default display order will be "Ascending".  If you wish to utilize a "Descending" display order you will just need to check "Reverse" on the field in the "Chosen Sort Fields" group.

  8. Click "Save" and then "Return to List".


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper administrator access role.

  2. Navigate to the Contacts page.

  3. Select the list for which you wish to edit as the current list view.

  4. Once loaded, click on the "v" button ( ) next the drop-down list to expand the options and then click "Edit View". 

  5. To edit you can change the Name, Group, Description and Visibility (whether you want it for all administrators or just you) and click "Save" and then "Return to List".

  6. To edit the filter, click 'edit' on the List Filter and then delete and/or add criteria by clicking the X's or selecting from the drop-down what you would like to filter by and enter the criteria and click "Add". Then click "Save" and then "Return to List". Please see the article "Working with filters." for more information.

  7. To edit the display columns, you can simply drag and drop those fields from "Available View Fields" group to the "Chosen View Fields" group and vice versa to remove columns/fields.  You can drag and drop within the "Chosen View  Fields" group to change the order of the columns in the list view.

  8. To edit the sort order, you can simply drag and drop fields from the "Available Sort Fields" group to the "Chosen Sort Fields" group and vice versa to remove columns/fields.  The field listed first will be the first field sorted by and then down the line if multiple sort fields are selected.  You can drag and drop within the "Chosen Sort Fields" group to change which sort is applied first.

  9. Click "Save" and then "Return to List".


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper administrator access role.

  2. Navigate to the Contacts page.

  3. Select the list for which you wish to delete as the current list view.
  4. Once loaded, click on the "v" button ( ) next the drop-down list to expand the options and then click "Edit View". 

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the List View and click the the "Delete" button.

  6. You will be presented with an "Are you sure?" window, click "Yes, delete" to delete the view or "Cancel" to not delete.


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper administrator access role.

  2. Navigate to the Contacts page.

  3. Select the list for which you wish to copy as the current list view.
  4. Once loaded, click on the "v" button ( ) next the drop-down list to expand the options and then click "Copy View".

  5. The new list view will open up in the "List View Configuration" screen with the name of "Copy of ....", where "..." is the name of the list view you copied.  Continue with instructions for editing a list view.

This may seem like more work, but after the initial lists are complete it will give you a much greater amount of customization and control over the lists of data found within your VolunteerMatters system.

Please click here to learn about exporting list view results.

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