Each project position has a default number of credited hours. Many times the volunteer will go over this default number of hours. An administrator manually update those credited hours but a volunteer can also submit their own additional hours.
Note: This is only possible if a project is configured to allow it. Click here for more information on editing a project's setup.
Submit Hours for an assigned position
To manually add hours to a position you are assigned to:
Log into your VolunteerMatters system.
From either the homepage or your profile you will see your "My Assignments" box. This will list all of your upcoming shifts, positions, items, and tasks.
Under your positions you will see a "Submit Hours" button.
- This will open the "Self Report Hours" window. Here you can enter new hours and view recently added hours. You will enter the Date, Description, and Credited Hours for these additional hours.
- Click "Save" and you are all set. Your hours will have been added.
Remove Previously Submitted Hours for an assigned position
To manually remove hours to a position you are assigned to:
Log into your VolunteerMatters system.
From either the homepage or your profile you will see your "My Assignments" box. This will list all of your upcoming shifts, positions, items, and tasks.
Under your positions you will see a "Submit Hours" button.
- This will open the "Self Report Hours" window. Here you can enter new hours and view recently added hours. You will simply click on the X next those hours under the "Recent Entries" list on the "Self Report Hours" window.
- This will open the "Are you sure?" dialog.
Click "Yes, delete" and you are all set. Your hours will have been removed.