Getting feedback from our volunteers is critically important part of a strategy for continuous improvement. VolunteerMatters provides an excellent tool for getting that invaluable information from the volunteers that contributed to the success of your projects.
Volunteer Feedback can be deactivated on a per project basis if desired. See the project setup solution for information.
Volunteer Experience:
After a volunteer has fulfilled a volunteer shift, the very next time they visit the volunteer portal, they will be prompted to fill out a survey asking them for their feedback.
The feedback survey is a simple, 3-question survey.
All three questions require a "response". A response has to include a rating (4-Extremely, 3-Very, 2-Somewhat, 1-Not at all) or indicate they are "Not sure/Can't say" (which is effectively opting out of responding). Respondents can also optionally provide text-based comments for each question/prompt to further explain their ratings.
Once a response has been recorded for a specific assignment the prompt for feedback on the portal landing page will no longer appear.
Administrators may report on the feedback given by volunteers per project or across multiple projects.
Administrative Reporting on Feedback for a Single Project:
Visit the "Projects" menu item then click setup, assign, or invite adjacent to the project in which you are interested.
At the top of the screen you will see a drop-down selector titled "Reports". Select 'Feedback' from the list.
The resulting on-screen report will provide the averages of ratings and the response rate of ratings. Rating averages and response rates are provided per question and across all questions.
The rating averages are determined by the sum of all submitted ratings divided by the total number of submitted ratings. Theses averages do not consider those that answered "Not sure/Can't say".
The response rates are determined by the total number of responses divided by the total number of assignments. Only those who provided a rating of 1-4 are considered a response. If a volunteer answers "Not sure/Can't say" it is considered a non-response.
The on-screen report also displays the rating responses per volunteer in a table below the rating averages and response rates. Those with ratings makes "n/a" are those that chose "Not sure/Can't say" as a response.
You can narrow the results to a specific date range or even filter by keyword in the search box. For example, I could enter a volunteer's name to narrow the feedback to an indivual or enter a role name to narrow the report to only those who worked a specific type of job.
Just above the table you can choose export the feedback results into Excel or CSV format. This will be limited to the results displayed on-screen (considers the date and keyword filters). These exports also include any text-based comments that may have been included with the results. Please see the attached file as an example.
Administrative Reporting on Feedback for Multiple Projects:
This works similarly to running a report on a single project. Visit the "Projects" menu where you will see all projects which you are allowed to manage. At the top of the screen you will see a drop-down selector titled "Reports". Select 'Feedback' from the list.
Just as in the single project report, you can narrow the results and export the results. In addition to narrowing by date range and keyword, you can also narrow the results by several project attributes including branch, area of focus, intended beneficiary, impact areas, and national initiative.