Each project position has a default number of credited hours. Many times the volunteer will go over this default number of hours. While administrators and organizers (assigned to the project) can manually update those credited hours, a volunteer can also submit their own additional hours.
This solution goes over how an administrator/organizer can manage those self-reported volunteer hours. They can review existing self-reported hour entries, decline those hours (remove them), and/or manually submit additional self-reported hours on behalf of the volunteer.
NOTE: The self-reported project setting is only for the volunteer. The self-reported hours are ALWAYS available to administrators and organizers on a project position assignment.
Review volunteer self-reported hours for an assigned position
To review volunteer self-reported hours to their assigned position:
- Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.
- On the Project you wish to review hours for an assignment for, click the "Needs" button (
You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button () which will open the "Project Dashboard" page. The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it. Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (
) and select "Project Needs". Both will take you to the same place.
- This will open the "Project Needs" page. You will see the various Project Needs: Shifts, Tasks, Items, and Positions. Scroll down to the "Project Positions" panel and locate the position you wish to review hours for and click on the "Assign" button (
- This will open the assignment detail for the position in question. Here you will see those contacts already assigned to the position along with their total "self-reported hours".
- To review the details of their "self-reported hours", click on the edit link (
) next to the current "self-reported hours" number. This will open up the "Self Report Hours" window and you can review the previously submitted self-reported hours at the bottom of the window under "Recent Entries".
- Click "Cancel" to return to the assignment detail page.
Decline (remove) volunteer self-reported hours for an assigned position
To decline/remove volunteer self-reported hours to their assigned position:
- Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.
- On the Project you wish to decline self-reported hours for, click the "Needs" button (
You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button () which will open the "Project Dashboard" page. The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it. Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (
) and select "Project Needs". Both will take you to the same place.
- This will open the "Project Needs" page. You will see the various Project Needs: Shifts, Tasks, Items, and Positions. Scroll down to the "Project Positions" panel and locate the position you wish to remove hours for and click on the "Assign" button (
- This will open the assignment detail for the position in question. Here you will see those contacts already assigned to the position along with their total "self-reported hours".
- To remove any submitted hours you will first need to review the details of their "self-reported hours" by clicking on the edit link (
) next to the current "self-reported hours" number. This will open up the "Self Report Hours" window and you can review the previously submitted self-reported hours at the bottom of the window.
- To remove any submitted hours, you will simply click on the X link (
) next those hours under the "Recent Entries" list.
- This will open the "Are you sure?" dialog.
Click "Yes, delete" then "OK" and you are all set.
Those hours will have been removed from the Volunteer's "Self-Reported Hours". - Click "Cancel" to return to the assignment detail page where the "Self-Reported Hours" will have decreased by the number of hours you removed.
Submit self-reported hours for an assigned position on a volunteer's behalf
To manually add hours on behalf of a volunteer to their assigned position:
- Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.
- On the Project you wish to enter self-reported hours for, click the "Needs" button (
You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button () which will open the "Project Dashboard" page. The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it. Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (
) and select "Project Needs". Both will take you to the same place.
- This will open the "Project Needs" page. You will see the various Project Needs: Shifts, Tasks, Items, and Positions. Scroll down to the "Project Positions" panel and locate the position you wish to add hours for and click on the "Assign" button (
- This will open the assignment detail for the position in question. Here you will see those contacts already assigned to the position along with their total "self-reported hours".
- To submit new hours you will first need to review the details of their "self-reported hours" by clicking on the edit link (
) next to the current "self-reported hours" number. This will open the "Self Report Hours" window. Here you can enter new hours and view recently added hours. You will enter the Date, Description, and Credited Hours for these additional hours you wish to submit on the volunteer's behalf.
- Click "Save" and you will see a success message when the hours have been entered.
You are all set. The new hours will have been added. - Click "Cancel" to return to the assignment detail page where the "Self-Reported Hours" will have increased by the number of hours you submitted.