An administrator can send a note via email for a project need to all volunteers assigned to that need.
Sending an Need Assignees Email
- Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.
- On the Project you wish to email assignee's for, click the "Needs" button (
You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button () which will open the "Project Dashboard" page. The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it. Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (
) and select "Project Needs". Both will take you to the same place.
- This will open the "Project Needs" page. You will see the various Project Needs: Shifts, Tasks, Items, and Positions. From there locate the need you wish to send the note for and click on the "Assign" button (
) to the right of the need.
- This will open up the assignment's detail page. You will then click on the highlighted "Email" button above the assignee list. NOTE: You can use the search box to further filter the assignee list if you wished to only email specific volunteers.
- This will open the "Email Assignees" page with those assignments populated as recipients and the email body seeded with all of the need template information, including a link back to the system. It also includes the following elements:
- Subject
- Special Message
- Send Me Email Results
- Assignee Email Preview
Note: If you click on the "X Assignees" button it will display the names of the assignees who will be recipients of the email.
- If you would like to customize the default Subject line, you can enter it in the "Subject" box and click "Update Preview" button (
). This will update the "Assignee Email Preview" on the right with your custom subject.
- You can then enter your email details in the "Special Message" box and click the "Update Preview" button (
). This will update the "Assignee Email Preview" on the right with your custom message.
PLEASE NOTE: This content of the assignees email is only plain text. There is no formatting past carriage returns and automatic hyperlinking of full URLs. - You can then choose not to send yourself the email results by unchecking the "Send Me Email Results" checkbox. It is checked by default so you it is only necessary to worry about if you do not want the results.
The email results will include those emails that were queued for delivery along with those who we were unable to send the invitation to. - When you are satisfied with your email assignees message you can click the "Send" button (