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Reporting on Organizers in VolunteerMatters


Contacts with the "Organizer" role, once assigned to a project, have almost full control over the project configuration.  Administratively they can do most everything on the project except copy the project, delete the project, or manage Organizers on the project.

An "Administrator" can report on "Organizers" in VolunteerMatters via the following methods:

  • "Site User Counts" from the Contact Dashboard.
  • The "Project Organizer" report across all projects.
  • The Project Setup's "Project Organizer" panel.


"Site User Counts" from the Contact Dashboard

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the Administrator access role and then click on Contacts. 

  2. Then click on the "Dashboard". 


  3. This opens the "Contacts Dashboard" which is a high level view of the contacts and site user records in the system for administrators.  This also includes a panel called "Site User Role Counts" which features the number of contacts in the system with Administrator and Organizer site user roles. 


  4. An administrator can then click through the number for "Organizers".  This will open the "Administrators and Organizers" page filtered by "Organizers" and display a tabular list of contacts in the system with the "Organizer" site user record security role.  


  5. The administrator can either export this information or click-through the contact name to access the contact record in question. 

The "Project Organizer" report across all projects

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the Administrator access role and then click on Projects. 

  2. Click the "Reports" drop-down button (Project_Reports_Image_Button.jpg) and select "Project Organizers". 


  3. This opens the "Project Organizers" page.  Displayed onscreen is a tabular list of all project organizers and the projects they are assigned to.


    It displays Project name, Branch/Site, Organizer (contact), Project Organizer Email notification setting, and Email address.  Also available are the additional contact information fields determined during your setup period that display on the Volunteer Credentials, Volunteer History, and Assignment Roster reports. By default each VolunteerMatters system will come with Mobile Telephone, Organization, Age, and Status fields included. If your organization is interested in adding additional contact fields to these reports please contact support. Adding additional contact information fields is included in certain coaching setup packages and can also be implemented via hourly professional services.

  4. The administrator can either export this information or click-through the project name to the project dashboard or the contact name to access the contact record in question. 

  5. An Administrator can also remove organizers from projects in bulk by clicking the "Clean-up Organizers" button.  This button is only shown when there are project organizers in the report who are no longer organizers.  This functionality will bulk remove anyone who no longer has the Organizer role from any projects they were previously assigned to. 


    Just click "Yes, Remove" on the pop up "Clean Up Invalid Organizers" window. 


This will return you to the Project Organizers report with a message telling you how many were removed. 



The Project Setup's "Project Organizer" panel


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click "Projects" (Briefcase Icon) from the main menu.

  2. On the project you wish to view the Organizers, click the "Dashboard" button (Projects_Dashboard_Button.png).


  3. This will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers.  However, the Project Organizer panel is only visible to administrators. On the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (Projects_Manage_Button.png) and select "Project Setup".


  4. This will open the "Project Setup" page. On the bottom right-hand side will be the "Project Organizers" panel. Here you can view current organizers on the project and their project email notification settings.  As well as add/remove organizers on the project. 


    The administrator can export this information if desired. 
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