When configuring a credential within VolunteerMatters, some credential types provide the administrator with the ability to allow the Volunteer (and administrator) to upload files to be attached to the credential application.
The credential file upload process allows the volunteer to upload the file at any time after signing the initial credential via an "I will upload file(s) later" checkbox.
File Upload Option Configuration
When configuring the credential the administrator has options:
- No file uploads - This default setting disables file-uploads on the credential for both administrators and volunteers.
- Admin-only - This setting provides a backend administrator only file upload function for the administrator when editing the credentials. These files are only visible to the administrator.
- Volunteer Optional - This setting now will include a file upload utility when the volunteer is signing the credential and/or revisiting the credential to "complete". This option ultimately allows the volunteer to "complete" the credential, moving it to it's default status, with or without a file uploaded.
- Volunteer Required - This setting now will include a file upload utility when the volunteer is signing the credential and/or revisiting the credential to "complete". This option prevents the volunteer from "completing" the credential, moving it to it's default status, without a file uploaded.
Volunteer Experience with Credential
When the volunteer is prompted to sign a credential that allows a file upload they will see whatever the signature type is (full name, initials, checkbox, none) and a file upload utility.
At this juncture the Volunteer will sign their credential (if needed) and will either need to upload the required file or check the "I will upload file(s) later" checkbox and click "Continue" if they do not currently have the file to upload.
This will add the "Complete Application" notification to the volunteer's dashboard. This will be a reminder each time they are on this page that they need to "Complete" the application.
When ready, they will click the "Complete Application" button which will reopen the credential application page with their signature already in place, the "I will upload file(s) later" checkbox deselected, and the opportunity to upload the file. They will simply click the "Choose Files" button, locate the file on their local device, and then click "Continue".
This will complete the process for the volunteer and the credential will move it into it's default status (i.e. "Review").
If someone is uploading multiple files, they can highlight all of files when using the file browser on their computer and then make sure the "I will upload file(s) later" is unchecked and then click continue.
If for some reason they can not multiselect files when using the file browser, they can use the file browser, locate a single file, and make sure the "I will upload file(s) later" is checked and then click continue. Then repeat the process and on the last file make sure it is unchecked.
Administrator Experience with Credential
When configuring any credential that requires administrator intervention, the recommended credential default status is "Review". For this solution we will use default status of "Review". This alerts the administrator that they have a credential that need to check in on. For additional information on reporting on credentials by status click here.
After the volunteer has completed the process where they have submitted the file, the credential will move it into its default status. The administrator should be regularly reviewing their credential dashboard for any credentials they need to administer to. The top box on the dashboard is the "Credential Status Change Counts (Past 30 Days)". Here they will see those credentials modified within the past 30 days. If they need to review earlier the box below it will accommodate or they can simply filter from the volunteer credential list (https://customercode.volunteermatters.org/admin/credentials) accordingly. They would click on the "Review" number.
This will open the volunteer credentials page with the credential in question and the "Review" status pre-populated within the filter and the results will be all those credentials matching it. Then click on the edit button (little pencil) on the credential you wish to see the details for.
This will open the Volunteer Credential detail page which includes the Credential Status, Volunteer Credential Supporting Documents, etc.. To review the file just click on the link and it will open up in a new window.
If you ARE satisfied with the file uploaded, you can click the "Edit" button and modify the status to "Approved" and set the proper "Start Date" and "End Date" and click "Save". This will end the process for the credential and you can close out.
If you ARE NOT satisfied with the file uploaded, you can click the "Edit" button and modify the status to "Incomplete" and set the "Waiting for File Upload" flag to "True" and click "Save".
This will add the "Complete Application" notification back on the volunteer's dashboard and they will be able to upload an additional file. This does not email the volunteer automatically, so you may want to follow up with them directly to alert them what the issue with the file was and that they need to reupload.