You may run a kiosk session (*) from any desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone with internet connectivity so that volunteers may check-in and out of their assigned shifts, sign-up for available shifts**, and have all of their actual times tracked versus scheduled.
Once the kiosk is started on a device, a volunteer can do the following:
- Check in and out of their shift
- Search for available opportunities and sign up
- New volunteers can register and sign global credential agreements
*NOTE: "customercode" is assigned to your account when you subscribe to VolunteerMatters. Typically your customercode is your base domain name from your web address. For example if your web address is, your base domain name and customercode is 'acme', so your login would be If you have any questions on your customer code please contact support.
**NOTE: For a shift to be available for sign-up via the kiosk for a volunteer, the shift must be within it's check-in period (typically one hour) and the volunteer must have already met all the required qualifications (credentials) for the shift and any global credentials. Global credentials are typically met during registration.
Checking In to Shift
If the volunteer has an assignment for that day, they can retrieve their assignment from the kiosk and then be presented with the opportunity to sign-in for that shift if it is within the time allowed to do so. By default, this is 1 hour prior to the shift's scheduled start time. To check in via the kiosk, a volunteer can follow these instructions:
- From the kiosk, the volunteer can enter their assignment confirmation code, mobile phone, or email and click the "Search" button to retrieve their account and assignments.
Note: Assignment confirmation codes are available via the sign-up page and the assignment confirmation and reminder emails. - The kiosk will provide the volunteer a list of their current assignments within their available check in time. They can check in by clicking the "Check In!" button under the assignment details.
- The kiosk will then let the volunteer know they have completed the process and are checked in. It will also display their checked in time as it was recorded in the system.
- The volunteer can then click "Start Over" to return to the kiosk main page or the system will automatically return within 60 seconds.
Checking Out of a Shift
If a volunteer is currently checked in to their volunteer shift assignment, they will have an opportunity to check out of that shift when their time is completed. This can be anytime after the shift is checked into and,by default, up until an hour after their shift's scheduled end time. To check out via the kiosk, a volunteer can follow these instructions:
- From the kiosk, the volunteer can enter their assignment confirmation code, mobile phone, or email and click the "Search" button to retrieve their account and assignments.
Note: Assignment confirmation codes are available via the sign-up page and the assignment confirmation and reminder emails. - The kiosk will provide the volunteer a list of their current assignments within their available check in time as well as their currently checked in assignments. They can check out of an assignment by clicking the "Check Out!" button.
- The kiosk will confirm that the volunteer wishes to check out with an "Are you sure?" window as this can not be undone. The volunteer will then click the "Yes, Check Out!" button to check out.
- The kiosk will then let the volunteer know they have completed the process and are checked out. It will also display the checked out time on the assignment for the volunteer.
- The volunteer can then click "Start Over" to return to the kiosk main page or the system will automatically return within 60 seconds.
Searching for Available Opportunities
If a volunteer does not have an assignment for that day, they can search for available opportunities to sign-up for. Available shifts are only displayed to the volunteer if it is within the time allowed to check-in and the volunteer has all the required credentials for the shift(s). By default, the check-in period is 1 hour prior to the shift's scheduled start time. To search for available opportunities via the kiosk to sign-up for, a volunteer can follow these instructions:
- From the kiosk, the volunteer can enter their mobile phone or email and click the "Search" button to retrieve their account.
- The kiosk will provide the volunteer a list of their current assignments (if applicable) and the the opportunity to review available shifts to sign up for. They can do so by clicking the "Search for Available Opportunities" button.
- The kiosk will then display to the volunteer the various available shifts they can sign up for. To do so the volunteer simply has to click on the "Sign Up!" button.
- The kiosk will confirm that the volunteer wishes to sign up with an "Are you sure?" window. The volunteer will then click the "Yes, Sign Up!" button to sign up for the shift in question.
- The kiosk will then sign the volunteer up for the opportunity and automatically check the volunteer into the shift. It will also display their checked in time as it was recorded in the system.
- The volunteer can then click "Start Over" to return to the kiosk main page or the system will automatically return within 60 seconds.
Registration via the Kiosk
Many times a volunteer will arrive at a location as part of a group or on their own without having previously been registered in your VolunteerMatters system. The kiosk allows those volunteers to register via a quick registration form and sign any global credential agreements. From that point, they can review and sign-up for available shifts as seen above. For more information on the kiosk's registration quick form click here.
To register via the kiosk, a volunteer can follow these instructions:
- From the kiosk, the volunteer will click the "Register" button to create a contact record in VolunteerMatters.
- The kiosk will take the volunteer to the quick registration form where they will fill out the necessary fields and then click the "Save and Continue" button. This will create their contact record in the system.
- The volunteer will then be presented with the global agreement credentials to review and sign. These are typically your main liability type waivers or codes of conduct. Once they sign the credential(s), using the configured signature types, they will click the "Save and Continue" button.
- The kiosk will then display to the volunteer the various available shifts they can sign up for. To do so the volunteer simply has to click on the "Sign Up!" button (detailed above).
- Or the volunteer can then click "Start Over" to return to the kiosk main page or the system will automatically return within 60 seconds.