VolunteerMatters Support

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Organization Contact Field : List Option


By default the built-in "Organization" contact field in VolunteerMatters is a simple free-text field.  There also exists additional functionality that allows you choose to have a managed list of organizations for a volunteer or administrator to search and select from when populating this field. Either from the registration form, their profile, or the contact record.

Furthermore, the field can support a write-in option if desired. This write-in option allows the entry of a value not in the predefined list. The custom entry will be saved with the contact record but will not be added to the list of predefined choices for other volunteers and/or administrators. This supports large lists, search, and the ability to write-in all in the same free-text field.

This functionality and the predefined list can only be configured by VolunteerMatters Support at this time.  If you would like this setup please live chat with us now from your VolunteerMatters portal or submit a support ticket via email.

The following screenshots show the various options of the field:


Volunteer or Administrator Selecting from the Predefined List



Volunteer or Administrator Searching the Predefined List



Volunteer or Administrator Writing In Their Own Entry


And Saved on the Record



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