VolunteerMatters Support

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Bulk Edit Shifts


Project Needs

There are four types of needs you can add to a project.  Needs can be shifts, tasks, items, or positions.  In this solution we will discuss shifts.

A shift has a date, start time, end time, shift role, and the min/max assignees.

The role must be created first. A role is a specific job an individual may perform as part of their volunteer shift.  Once the role is created you do not need to create it again, you just need to schedule the role.  For more information on managing shift roles click here

A shift can be edited individually as well as some elements can be edited in bulk.  For more information on editing a single shift click here.


Edit Shifts in Bulk

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects. 


  2. On the Project you wish to schedule a Shift Role for, click the "Needs" button (Projects_Page_Needs_Button.png).


  3. You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button (dashboard.jpg) which will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it.  Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (Manage.jpg) and select "Project Needs".  Both will take you to the same place. 


  4. This will open the "Project Needs" page.  You will see the various Project Needs: Shifts, Tasks, Items, and Positions.  On the top will be the "Project Shifts" panel. It will display the current shifts as well as a buttons to manage those shifts (Projects_Needs_All_Buttons.png), schedule new shifts (project-manage_shift_3a.png),  manage shift roles (project-manage_shift_3b.png), and a bulk edit button.

  5. To edit scheduled shifts on the project in bulk, click on the "Bulk Edit" button (bulk_Edit_Shifts_05.png).


  6. This will open the "Bulk Edit Shifts" configuration page. Here you can filter the shifts by date and then select the shifts you wish to edit and then click the "Edit" button (bulk_Edit_Shifts_06.png). 


  7. On the next page, you can edit the following fields for the selected shifts:

    • Name
    • Description
    • Minimum Required - The minimum number of available slots on the shift sign-up.  This is only informational for staffing. 
    • Maximum Required - The maximum number of available slots on the shift sign-up.  Once this number is hit, the shift will no longer be available for sign-up from a volunteer's perspective.
    • Minimum Age - For each position, you may specify a minimum age (in years) to signup and work this position.
    • Required Credentials - For each shift sign-up, you may specify one or more credentials that may be required to sign-up for this shift. For example, one shift may require a special background check, a drivers license, or a medical certification. If the volunteer does not yet have one or more of the credentials, the system will give the volunteer the opportunity to apply for it/them.  You do not need to specify those globally required credentials as they are included by default as all volunteers must have them.  NOTE: Using this bulk edit tool will replace any existing credentials on the shifts being edited.  So you will need to make sure to include all credentials needed even already assigned. 

  8. You simply need to check the box on the left of the shift attribute you would like to update for all of the shifts you are editing. Then make your changes to the shift attribute and click "Update Shifts" button (bulk_Edit_Shifts_08.png). Only the attributes which have the box to the left of the field checked will be updated for all of the shifts selected. All other attributes will remain untouched, as they originally were before editing, for each shift.

    There is an alert message on the page that will let you know how many shifts you are modifying as well as:

    • if there are any assignees to these shifts, they will not be automatically notified of these changes
    • if changes are made to the age restrictions or credential requirements, current assignees may fall out of compliance with their assignment


  9. The system will confirm whether you wish to update the shift(s) in question with the "Are you sure?" modal window.  If you are sure, click "Yes, UPDATE ALL" to make the changes to the shift(s) selected.


    After completion you will be returned to the "Bulk Edit Shifts" page with a confirmation message that the shift(s) were updated.

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