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Manually Manage Assignments On A Project Task


An administrator or organizer may manually add, edit (complete), or delete/withdraw a project task assignment on behalf of a contact.

In this list view of task position assignments you will notice the following columns:

  • Assigned - The number of contacts that have been assigned to this particular volunteer task. This includes those manually assigned as well as those who signed themselves up (if the project is configured to allow).
  • Completed - The number of contacts that have had the task assigned marked completed by either the volunteer or administrator.

Add assignment(s) to a single project task

Only a single volunteer can self-assign themselves via a project catalog task before it is marked fulfilled, but an administrator/organizer can manually assign as many volunteers as desired.

To manually add an assignment to an existing project task:

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.

  2. On the Project you wish to add an assignment for, click the "Assign" button (2018-09-12_9-54-22.jpg).


    You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button (dashboard.jpg) which will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it.  Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (Manage.jpg) and select "Assign".  Both will take you to the same place. 


  3. Both methods above then will open up the "Manage Assignments" page. From there locate the task you wish to add an assignment to and click on the "Manage" button ().


  4. This will open the assignment detail for the task in question.

  5. Then click on "Choose Volunteers" to open the contact chooser.


  6. You can use the contact chooser to select any number of volunteers**.


    When you click "Choose" It will add all selected contacts to the 'Add New Assignments' area of the assignment detail.

  7. Click "Assign Volunteers" to add the new assignments.


  8. Once confirmed they will appear in the task's "Current Assignees" list.


** It’s important to note that if you "check all" or "clear all" while in the chooser, it will only act on the records view-able in the list, not on all of the records that may have resulted from a search. For example, if your "Items" were set to 25, it would act on the 25 records displayed. If "Items" were set to 500, it would act on the 500 records displayed. The "Items" setting is at the top-middle of the chooser.


Edit Task Assignment(s) 


  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.

  2. On the Project you wish to edit an assignment for, click the "Assign" button (2018-09-12_9-54-22.jpg).


    You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button (dashboard.jpg) which will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it.  Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (Manage.jpg) and select "Assign".  Both will take you to the same place. 


  3. Both methods above then will open up the "Manage Assignments" page. From there locate the task you wish to edit and click on the "Manage" button (button_manage.png).


  4. This will open the assignment detail for the task in question. Here you will see those contacts already assigned to the task. An administrator can edit the "Complete" toggle, the number of "Credits" (hours) for the task, and Volunteer Comments.


  5. To edit the number of "Credits" hours, click on the edit link () next to the current "Credits" number. This will open up the "Update Credited Hours" window and you can then edit that number and click "OK". This will update the number of hours credited accordingly for the contact task assignment in question.


  6. To mark the task completed you will simply need to click the "Complete" icon next to the assignment. On the administrative screen, a task assignment with a "dash" is "Not Completed" while those with a green "check mark" are designated as being completed.  Clicking the icon toggles the state between completed and not-completed.


  7. Depending on your settings for the project, a volunteer may be able to submit and edit comments on a volunteer assignment. In rare cases, an administrator may be required to edit or remove a volunteer's comment.  To edit the volunteer's comment, click on the edit link () next to the current comment.  This will open up the "Update Volunteer Comment" window and you can then edit that comment and click "OK".  This will update the comment accordingly.  If the comment needs to be removed, just highlight the text and remove before clicking "OK".   Click here more information on this process.




Delete/Remove Task Assignment

Note: If you delete an assignment the hours attributed to that volunteer will be lost.

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects.

  2. On the Project you wish to delete a task assignment for, click the "Assign" button (2018-09-12_9-54-22.jpg).


    You can also click the on the "Dashboard" button (dashboard.jpg) which will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers. An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it.  Then on the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (Manage.jpg) and select "Assign".  Both will take you to the same place. 


  3. Both methods above then will open up the "Manage Assignments" page. From there locate the task you wish to delete the assignment for and click on the "Manage" button ().


  4. This will open the assignment detail for the task in question. Here you will see those contacts already assigned to the task.


  5. To delete a task assignment, click on the delete link () on the far right of the assignment.


  6. This will open up the "Are you sure?" window and you can then click "Yes, delete" to remove the assignment.


  7. Once this is done you will be returned to the assignment detail for the task in question.
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