VolunteerMatters Support

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Project Resources


Project resources are links associated with the project that are only displayed to those volunteers who are currently assigned to a need on that project. The links feature different “types” that will mainly utilize a different icon for the volunteer.  Resources can be available to all needs on a project or filters can be created to limit the need assignments that can view and access the project resource.

A Project Administrator, or Organizer Administrator that is assigned to a project, may manually add, edit, or delete various Project Resources. 

The volunteer will simply click the resource link and be taken to the URL* which can be a file download (ie: a PDF or Word document), a website, a document repository, etc.. 

*A Project Resource does require an absolute (full) URL. 

**Project Resources is only available with the Professional and Enterprise subscription levels.  If you have questions on your subscription level or wish to upgrade. please live chat with us now from your VolunteerMatters portal or submit a support ticket via email.**


Adding a Project Resource

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects. 


  2. On the Project you wish to add Project Resources to, click the "Dashboard" button (Dashboard_Button.png). NOTE: An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it.


  3. This will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for project administrators and organizer administrators. It also includes Organizer Project Notification Settings and the Project Resources section.  Here you can view and test any existing Project Resources as well as access the Project Resources configuration area via the "Manage Resources" button (Manage_Resources_Button.png).


  4. Once you click the "Manage Resources" button, this will bring you to the Project Resources page for the project in question.  In the "Project Resources" panel it will list the existing project resources as well as the ability to edit or delete resources as well as create new resources.  Included in the "Project Resources" panel is a tabular display of the following fields per resource (you can toggle the + sign to expand the information for each resource). 

    • Type
    • Name
    • Description
    • URL
    • Restriction Type
    • Restriction
      To add a new Resource, click on the "Add New Resource" button (Add_New_Resource_Button.png).


  5. This will open up the "Edit Project Resource" configuration page. Here you can configure the following resource fields:

    • Type - This is used to stylize the icon and link for the volunteer. Options are "Chat", "Document", "Folder", "Image", and "Website".  They all feature default icons in order (Resource_Icon.png). 
    • Name - This is the name of the resource displayed in the link text.
    • Description - This is optional information that will be displayed as help text under the resource link.
    • URL - This is the url (destination) of the resource link. This must be a publicly available absolute (full) URL. 
    • Assignment Restriction Type - This is used to restrict the project resources displayed based on the assignment name. The options are "Ignore", "Equals", and "Starts With". "Ignore" will show the resource for all project assignments.
    • Assignment Restriction - This value can be used to restrict the project resource display based on the assignment Need name.


      When you are satisfied with you configuration, click the "Save" (Dave_Button.png) button. 

  6. This will return you to the "Project Resources" page with the "Project Resource saved successfully." confirmation message and the new resource added to the "Project Resources" panel.


With this example the "Coaching Basketball Course (45 Minutes)" project resource will only be displayed  to those volunteers with an assignment in that project whose name starts with "Volunteer Coach - Basketball".  Any assignments for need names that do not start with that will not have that particular resource displayed.   The project resources are displayed on the My Assignment detail page.  



Editing a Project Resource

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects. 


  2. On the Project you wish to edit a Project Resources, click the "Dashboard" button (Dashboard_Button.png). NOTE: An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it.


  3. This will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for project administrators and organizer administrators. It also includes Organizer Project Notification Settings and the Project Resources section.  Here you can view and test any existing Project Resources as well as access the Project Resources configuration area via the "Manage Resources" button (Manage_Resources_Button.png).


  4. Once you click the "Manage Resources" button, this will bring you to the Project Resources page for the project in question.  In the "Project Resources" panel it will list the existing project resources as well as the ability to edit or delete resources as well as create new resources.  Included in the "Project Resources" panel is a tabular display of the following fields per resource (you can toggle the + sign to expand the information for each resource). 

    • Type
    • Name
    • Description
    • URL
    • Restriction Type
    • Restriction

      To edit an existing Resource, click on the "Edit" button (Edit_Resource_Button.png) on the resource in question.


  5. This will open up the "Edit Project Resource" configuration page. Here you can edit the existing resource configuration for the following resource fields:

    • Type - This is used to stylize the icon and link for the volunteer. Options are "Chat", "Document", "Folder", "Image", and "Website".  They all feature default icons in order (Resource_Icon.png). 
    • Name - This is the name of the resource displayed in the link text.
    • Description - This is optional information that will be displayed as help text under the resource link.
    • URL - This is the url (destination) of the resource link. This must be a publicly available absolute (full) URL. 
    • Assignment Restriction Type - This is used to restrict the project resources displayed based on the assignment name. The options are "Ignore", "Equals", and "Starts With". "Ignore" will show the resource for all project assignments.
    • Assignment Restriction - This value can be used to restrict the project resource display based on the assignment Need name.


      When you are satisfied with you configuration edit, click the "Save" (Dave_Button.png) button. 

  6. This will return you to the "Project Resources" page with the "Project Resource saved successfully." confirmation message and the resource updated within the "Project Resources" panel.


The project resources displayed to the Volunteers on the My Assignment detail page will be updated the next time they visit it. 



Deleting a Project Resource

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click on Projects. 


  2. On the Project you wish to delete a Project Resources, click the "Dashboard" button (Dashboard_Button.png). NOTE: An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it.


  3. This will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for project administrators and organizer administrators. It also includes Organizer Project Notification Settings and the Project Resources section.  Here you can view and test any existing Project Resources as well as access the Project Resources configuration area via the "Manage Resources" button (Manage_Resources_Button.png).


  4. Once you click the "Manage Resources" button, this will bring you to the Project Resources page for the project in question.  In the "Project Resources" panel it will list the existing project resources as well as the ability to edit or delete resources as well as create new resources.  Included in the "Project Resources" panel is a tabular display of the following fields per resource (you can toggle the + sign to expand the information for each resource). 

    • Type
    • Name
    • Description
    • URL
    • Restriction Type
    • Restriction

      To delete an existing Resource, click on the "Delete" button (Delete_Resource_Button.png) on the resource in question.


  5. The system will confirm whether you wish to delete the resource in question with the "Delete Resource - Are you sure?" modal window.  If you are sure, click "Yes, delete" to delete the resource.


    After completion you will be returned to the "Project Resources" page with the "Project Resource deleted successfully." confirmation message displayed and the resource removed from the "Project Resources" panel.


The project resources displayed to the Volunteers on the My Assignment detail page will be updated the next time they visit it. 

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