VolunteerMatters Support

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Project Copy


An administrator may copy the details/settings, organizers, shift roles, items, tasks, and positions of an existing project to a new project in the system.  

Note: The copy function only creates a new project with the content from an existing project.  It does NOT allow you to copy content to a project that already exists.

How to Copy a Project

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access roles and then click "Projects" (Briefcase Icon) from the main menu.

  2. On the Project you wish to copy, click the "Dashboard" button (Projects_Dashboard_Button.png).


  3. This will open the "Project Dashboard" page.  The Project Dashboard provides a high level view of project analytics and data for administrators and organizers.  On the "Project Dashboard" click the "Manage" drop-down button (Projects_Manage_Button.png) and select "Project Setup".


  4. This will open the "Project Setup" page.  In the main project detail window on the top left you will see the following elements:
    • Project Name
    • Project Description
    • Branch/Site/Location
    • Publish Mode
    • Publish Dates
    • Edit/Copy/Delete Buttons

      Click on the "Copy" Button (Projects_Copy_Button.png).


  5. This will open the "Project Copy" modal window.  Here you will set the Project Name, Project Start Date (when will you start recruiting volunteers), and Project End Date (when will this be 'over').  


    At the time you copy the project you can choose the name for the new project, how/when you would like it to be advertised in the project catalog and whether or not you would like to copy:

    Project Organizers - Copy over those who are allowed to manage and receive notifications for this project.  This includes their notification settings. 

    Tasks - Copy the tasks from the originating project.  Set the default due dates for all copied tasks.

    Items -
    Copy the items from the originating project.  Set the default due dates for all copied items.

    Positions -
    Copy the positions from the originating project.  Set the default start and end dates for all copied positions.

    Shift roles are always copied to the new project.  A role is a specific job an individual may perform as part of their volunteer shift.  Once the role is created you do not need to create it again, you just need to schedule the role.  For more information on managing shift roles click here

    After the project has been copied, if your project does have shifts, all that remains is setting the schedule to your shift roles.  We do not copy over shift dates as they are almost never the same as the copied project AND it's super simple to set the new schedule.  Click here to learn more about scheduling shifts.

  6. When you are satisfied with your Project Copy settings you can click the "Submit" button (Projects_Submit_Button.png).

After clicking "Submit" you will be taken to the project need page.  Here you can then use the preloaded shift roles to schedule your project shifts and then edit any copied tasks, items, and/or positions that may require different dates than the default settings configured during the project copy.

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