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Credential Conflicts List - Per Project



Similar to the overall "Credential Conflicts" list page, there is a Credential Conflict list also available on the per project basis for Organizers. 

To access the per project "Credential Conflicts" list, log into VolunteerMatters with administrator or organizer access, click on "Projects" in the site menu. Then click on the "Dashboard" button (Project_dashboard_Image_Button.jpg) next to the project you wish to review.  NOTE: An organizer must be assigned to a project to be able to manage it. 


This will take you to the "Project Dashboard". From here click on the "Reports" button (Credential_Conflicts_PerProject_Reports_Button.jpg) with a drop-down where  you will select "Credential Conflicts".  This will feature all the credential conflicts (missing or not-approved/exempt) for all upcoming shift, tasks, and items that have not started or positions that have not ended.


This will open a tabular list of all credential conflicts for active and upcoming assignments. It includes the following fields:

  • Need Type
  • Need
  • Need Start
  • Assignee
  • Credential Name
  • Status

You can narrow the results by keyword (credential, credential status, etc.) via the search box. For example, I could enter a volunteer's name to narrow the results to an individual or enter a need name to narrow the results to only those who are assigned to a specific type of job.

You can also click through to assignee's contact record (only administrators) or directly to the project need assignment page (both administrators and organizers). 

Just above the table you can choose export the results into different file formats. This will be limited to the results displayed on-screen (considers keyword filters). These exports also include additional contact information for each assignee (email/phone). 

The various credential statuses (and the missing designation) that will cause an assignee to be included in the credential conflict lists are:

  • Missing
  • Incomplete
  • Submitted
  • Review
  • Expired
  • Denied
  • Canceled

From here an administrator/organizer can monitor credentials in need of completion prior to an assignment starting. This can include situations where the administrator or organizer need to follow up directly with the volunteer for action and those credential applications that require review. Those requiring administrator review the organizer can contact an administrator to analyze the submitted or returned documentation and change the credential status as needed.

The following are typical reasons for a credential to be in one of the non-approved statuses and the organizer actions on each. 

NOTE: Please consult your organization's risk management documentation/policies for specific instructions on how to handle each type of credential and status as it may differ from those below.

  • Missing - The credential is not on the volunteer's contact record.  The volunteer should be instructed to login to the system and sign the credential and complete any action needed.

  • Incomplete - The credential is either an integrated credential where a volunteer has not completed the required action at the 3rd party provider or a credential where the administrator has manually set back to incomplete for the volunteer to complete an action.  The volunteer should be instructed to login to the system and complete the action required at the 3rd party provider or sign the credential and upload any missing files needed for the credential (i.e.: CPR Certificate).

  • Submitted - A credential in this status is either an integrated credential where a volunteer has submitted information and VolunteerMatters is waiting on the 3rd party provider for an update or a native credential where some type of action must be taken by the administrator.  This is an in-progress credential status. If this is an native credential (non-integrated), the organizer should contact the administrator contact on the credential to review the credential details and proceed accordingly.  If more information or action is needed from the volunteer the administrator should follow up directly with the volunteer or have the organizer do so on their behalf. If no more actions are necessary the administrator can change the status as needed.

  • Review - A credential in this status is either an integrated credential where a volunteer has submitted information and the 3rd party provider has updated the credential for administrative review or a native credential where some type of action must be taken by the administrator.  This is also an in-progress credential status. With an integrated background check credential this is typically a case where an organizer should contact the administrator contact on the credential and have the administrator review the credential details where they should be directed to a 3rd party provider to review information and make an adjudication decision whether the volunteer is approved/eligible or denied/ineligible. Once that is made VolunteerMatters will be typically automatically updated or in rare cases require an administrator to refresh the credential to it's new status. If this is an native credential (non-integrated), the organizer should contact the administrator contact on the credential to review the credential details and proceed accordingly.  If more information or action is needed from the volunteer the administrator should follow up directly with the volunteer or have the organizer do so on their behalf and/or potentially set the credential to "Incomplete" status. The volunteer will be prompted to restart the credential upon login.  If no more actions is necessary the administrator can change the status as needed.

  • Expired - A credential in this status can be set automatically by rule (e.g., background check expires 12 months after issue date) or by an administrator. The system sees this similarly to if the volunteer never had it at all ("Missing"). The volunteer should be instructed to login to the system and sign the credential and complete any action needed. 

  • Denied - The credential has been denied either by an administrator (either manually or via a background check adjudication at a 3rd party provider) or directly via a 3rd party Learning Management System. Administrators or Organizers should follow up with the volunteer with an explanation and remove the assignment.  Organizers should first consult with the credential contact administrator on who should follow up.  There also may be cases where an organization allows the volunteer to retake an training/course on a learning credential. For this an organizer needs to contact the credential administrator contact and have them edit the credential and change it to Canceled/Expired (depending on whether it is integrated or not).  Then the organizer can follow up with the volunteer to retake the course/credential.

  • Canceled - This status means the credential has previously been added to the volunteer's record and it is no longer considered "active". It is not approved, it is not denied, it is just canceled. This can be configured by an administrator if you wish to have a volunteer restart the process with a credential. The volunteer should be instructed to login to the system and sign the credential and complete any action needed.


Send Email from Credential Conflicts List

From the Per Project Credential Conflict lists, an administrator or organizer can contact the list of volunteers via email to inform the volunteer on what is still needed of them. For example if you have a list of volunteers who still have not submitted their necessary files or completed a training you can filter by the credential, then status, and then click the Email button.


From there you can customize the subject and messaging.  If desired we can update the email template to suit your desired needs.  Just contact support to request.   If a volunteer appears more than once in the list they will only be sent a single email with their different credentials included in the email.


**The Credential Conflict email utility is limited to 500 volunteers per email.  You may need to filter the list or use the search box to limit the results.**


If you are an administrator and would like to manage credential conflicts across projects, click here.


Credential Conflicts List (Need Assignments)

Along with the per project "Credential Conflict" list, there is also a quick view of credential conflicts on each need's assignment page incorporated into the "Current Assignees" box on the top of the screen under the "Missing Credentials" column.  Those assignees with any credential conflicts will also have their row highlighted red.  Because it is part of the assignee list, it can be searched on via the "Search Box".  So in theory you could filter by a specific credential and then send an email directly to those users using the email from a need utility. 


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