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Volunteer History Report - Per Contact


The Per Contact Volunteer History report allows an administrator or organizer to obtain a detailed reporting of all past volunteer assignments for a single volunteer across all projects. 

The report includes:

  • Date
  • Project
  • Site/Branch/Location
  • Type (There is an additional type of "Reported" on this report for those self-reported hours on a position)
  • Need
  • Pledged  (A normal sign-up has "1" pledged volunteer and a group sign-up is any number above "1")
  • Fulfilled 
  • Hours
  • Description (from self-reported hours)



Running the Report

  1. Log into your VolunteerMatters system with the proper security access role(s) and then click on Contacts.


  2. Navigate to the contact you wish to view and click on their name or 'Detail' icon (upload_photo_admin_2.jpg). This will take you to their contact record.


    For locating the desired contact you can utilize existing List Views, Advanced Search, or Quick Find.  For more information on filter options click here

  3. On the contact record you will see the volunteer's "Volunteer History Totals" metabox.  This is a summary of the volunteer's entire volunteering past within the organization.  This includes the number of projects worked on, the total number assignments across all projects, and total number of hours across all projects.   From here you can click the "Volunteer History" button (Button_Volunteer_History.png) for a more detailed history report. 


    Note: The placement of this metabox depends on the width of your browser on your device.  For example on a desktop it is on the top right second column and on a mobile phone it may be further down the page under the contact fields. due to there being only one column. 

  4. This opens the "Contact Volunteer History" page. Displayed onscreen is a tabular list of the entire volunteer history for the contact across all projects.  It displays fields listed above along with a hour total of whatever results within the list displayed.  Also included is the organization name and volunteer name if you print directly from the page using the "Print" button (Button_Print.png).  This functionality can be used when the volunteer needs to have a printed version of their hours for their school, etc.. 


  5. The administrator/organizer can then further filter the results via:

    • History On or After Date - No Default Date.
    • History Before Date - No Default Date.
    • Include Incomplete - The ability to include or exclude incomplete assignments (included by default)


      They can also use the search box to further filter the onscreen results by matching any of the information on each history records.  Including whether or not the record was manually reported, project, site/branch/location, etc.. 

      For self-reported hours on a position, there is an additional "Type" on this report labeled "Reported" to identify those records. This will allow an administrator or organizer to use the search box to either filter the hours to include those types of hours if desired. An administrator or organizer can then utilize the “Search/Filter” box and enter:


      This will search/filter for the value in that column and produce those assignments that meet that criteria.


  6. The administrator/organizer can either export this information or click-through the need name to the assignment detail page . Organizers will only be able to click through to projects they have been specifically assigned to.


This report is also available on a cross project and per project basis.

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